Dry needling is a technique involving fine filament needles, (similar to those used in acupuncture) it’s application is used to release myofacial trigger points (MTP) and tight muscles.
Dry needling when combined with osteopathy is an effective way to treat a number of conditions including:
Rotator cuff and shoulder issues
Sciatic and gluteal pain
Wrist and RSI problems
Acute ligamentous strain (ankle, knee, wrist)
Tennis elbow
Chronic muscular tension
Piriformis syndrome
By placing the needles in either a shortened muscle or a MTP it stimulates a healing response to release and lengthen or deactivate and desensitize the affected muscle. By doing so it reduces pain referral and associated irritation to tendons.
Is dry needling painful?
Most people don’t feel the needle pierce the skin, but it can be slightly uncomfortable when the needle enters a tight muscle. You may experience a twitch or muscle cramp, this is a great sign as it indicates that your muscle is about to relax.
Are there any side effects?
The most common side effect associated with dry needling is muscular soreness and occasional bruising.